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Coming together is a beginning,

staying together is progress,

and working together is success.

- Henry Ford -

Group Leader:

Dr. Jayati Sengupta


"Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible."

--Albert Einstein

With a chemistry background, I was trained as a Ph.D. student at NEHU, Shillong, under the guidance of a brilliant theoretical chemist Dr. Richard Duncan who just joined the department then.  I obtained additional training as a DBT postdoctoral fellow at Bose Institute, Kolkata, on molecular modelling and structural analysis of peptides using NMR for a short period of time under the supervision of a genius scientist Dr. Gautam Basu. At that time my goals were unclear beyond knowing that I was keenly interested in interdisciplinary research to solve problems related to biological macromolecules.  I was fortunate to get a postdoctoral training in the laboratory of Professor Joachim Frank (Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 2017) at Wadsworth Center, Albany, New York, USA, where I spent about eight years.  During that period I was motivated by the idea that deciphering structural aspects of multi-component complexes help to interpret the functional mechanisms of those complexes and thus allows us to understand challenging problems in biology.

As an independent investigator, I have assembled a team pursuing a research program that combines structural biology with functional studies of higher-order biological complexes to understand their roles in health and disease.

Current TEAM



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CSIR Indian Institute of Chemical Biology

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